Michael Newall
photo: Roman Newall
Michael Newall is a writer whose work spans philosophy, art history and aesthetics. Until 2020, he was Senior Lecturer in History & Philosophy of Art at the University of Kent, and Director of the University of Kent’s Aesthetics Research Centre from 2018–20. He is author of two books, A Philosophy of the Art School (Routledge, 2019, paperback 2021) and What is a Picture? Depiction, Realism, Abstraction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), as well as many articles in journals, including The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The British Journal of Aesthetics, Curator: The Museum Journal, and The Philosophical Quarterly. Currently he is an Honorary Research Fellow at UniSA, and Honorary Academic at the University of Kent.
Michael Newall writes about Will Nolan in Neoteric 2022.